SIA Approved Leisure Guard Security Services UK at £16.95

Theft and property damage are sadly common occurrences for most businesses in this day and age. Statistics over the past few years have indicated a rise in commercial thefts, with shoplifting up by 3% from March 2017 to 2018 across England and Wales.

It’s not just theft that is a common theme for businesses. Many public events such as festivals are hotspots for thieves and troublemakers to cause damage to other event-goers and their property.

Not all crime can be prevented, but if you own a business or are running an event that requires a bit of additional security assistance, consider a professional security company to help you out.

Here are a few ways professional security companies can help your business:



It may sound obvious, but security guards really can help ensure that your premises are secure.

Your employees might be trained in scenarios which involve theft or disturbant behaviour, but security guards can keep an eye out for crime whilst your other employees focus on their work, and can be a great addition to your team as a result.

Not every CCTV system cuts it when it comes to crime prevention, especially if you own an establishment which regularly reaches peak capacity. Thefts can get missed making it difficult to source the culprit. Having a security guard in place means that suspicious behaviours are monitored from the get-go, and crimes, therefore, become less likely to happen. Security guards are great theft deterrents and give the message to criminals that there’s someone on the lookout.


Prevention of damage

Professional security services can help your business when it comes to preventing and handling people that might cause disruption to your staff, customers, business property and reputation.

Whether you own a hotel, retail shop, apartment building or office, you’ll be at risk of having to fork out for costly repairs should an opportunistic criminal walk through the doors and damage something. Not only this, the reputation of your establishment is put on the line if it appears to customers like there’s a lack of care for security.

By hiring a security professional, whether a door supervisor, hotel, retail, construction, apartment or event security guard, you automatically help prevent damages from occurring.



It’s your responsibility as a business to ensure that those working and visiting your premises are safe.

If your customers feel unsafe, it can not only damage the reputation of your business but it can also discourage future customers from walking through the door.

By hiring a security professional to keep an eye on everyone entering the premises, you can be sure that the safety of others is put first. This becomes particularly important in busy situations where there’s a risk of crowds. If you’re running an event, security guards are able to manage masses of people, making your event safe and eliminating the risk of negative situations escalating.



Receptionists or retail employees may be aware of the procedures in the case of crime, but they might not know how to handle a situation before it escalates.

Security professionals are highly trained to be able to manage others difficult situations, so if a crime occurs, they are able to deal with it efficiently whilst ensuring that others don’t come into harm in the process.


Excellent addition to your workforce

Whilst it’s a good idea to have your staff trained in case difficult events occur, security staff can help to take the pressure from your employees when it comes to monitoring crime.

Busy environments make it difficult for employees to monitor security at all times.

Not only are security guards an excellent crime deterrent, but they’re also great for allowing your team to focus on the work at hand. Your employees can concentrate on their work while a security guard can focus on looking out for potential crime. Both parties can work as a team to communicate with each other if they happen notice anything suspicious in the workplace.


Security Services

Security Guards

Security guards are great if you own a business which is at risk of theft. CCTV might have worked in the past, but there’s no guarantee that you’re going to catch everything on camera. Banks, retailers and events are common places for security guards as they can keep a watchful eye upon potential troublemakers.

Everyone wants their business to run smoothly, and there’s no better assurance than having a professional make sure that everyone entering the premises is monitored to prevent any issues from occurring and to escort anyone out before a situation escalates.

Not only are security guards able to keep your business safe from crime, they’re also there to prevent your customers and staff from harm should the wrong person enter the establishment. Making your business a safe place for everyone will keep customers walking through the door and make staff feel at ease. Having someone dedicated to working on the safety of everyone within the establishment will not only look good for business, but it can also help prevent injury, theft and expensive damages.


Door Supervisors

Door supervisors, much like security guards, are responsible for the safety and security of others. They hold all the relevant qualifications required by a security guard like an SIA license, however, the majority of their time is spent at the entrance of the premises. If you’re running an event that requires identification checks or would like to keep an eye on people entering the event; a door supervisor might be what you’re looking for.


Choosing the right security company

To help you choose the best security guard company for your business, it’s a good idea to do an overall search for them to see who operates in your area. Neighbouring businesses might have used security guards in the past, so ask around and see if they can recommend a company that might be suitable and reliable for you.

Here are a few things to look out for when choosing:


Are they professional?

Highly trained, SIA qualified security guards will work at professional standards.

Professionalism is key when security people become the face of your business. For example, when guests enter a hotel entrance one of the first people they will see is a door supervisor. They’re there to welcome guests, protect luggage and ensure minimal disruption in entrance areas. If you own a business that places customer service highly in importance, it’s a good idea to ensure that the security company you choose train their workforce in customer service. This way, if the security guard or door supervisor is required to regularly greet customers, they can do so in an appropriate manner suitable to your business.

Equally, if they have good interpersonal skills you can have the reassurance that they will behave professionally in a difficult situation.

A professional persona looks good for business and can give your customers a good first impression before they even walk through the door.


Are they properly trained?

Security guards are legally required to have an SIA license, so it’s important to check that the security team you hire are highly qualified to carry out the job.

SIA-accredited staff will be trained in manned guarding including cash, valuables, close protection and key holding.


Are they flexible?

If you’re running an event which runs out of usual working hours, it’s a good idea to check whether the security company offers flexible hours. This way, you’ll be able to get around-the-clock security as and when you need it. Perhaps you’re running an all-day event, but only require security in the evening? A flexible security service is always best.

If you’re looking for a reliable security firm in the North of England, look no further than Leisure Guard Security. We’re specialists in providing professional, approved security guard services throughout Manchester, Nottingham, Stoke and the North West of England. Whether you own an office, retail shop, hotel or apartment block or are running events or construction projects, we have affordable security solutions for you.

Call us today to book security for your business on 0800 035 6607.